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NAER-Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research nos presenta su nuevo número

Puntual a la cita semestral, acaba de publicarse el último número de NAER-Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research (Vol. 10. núm. 1, 15 de enero de 2021), el cual incluye una “Special Section” titulada “Alternative paths in educational technology research: Innovative concepts and methods” y encabezada por un editorial firmado por los profesores Linda Castañeda (Universidad de Murcia) y Ben Williamson (University of Edinburgh). Completan el número 5 artículos más seleccionados del call for papers permanentemente abierto de la revista.

Este último número completo puede consultarse siguiendo este enlace, mientras que los artículos concretos aparecen referenciados y enlazados en el siguiente índice:


Assembling New Toolboxes of Methods and Theories for Innovative Critical Research on Educational Technology L. CASTAÑEDA, B. WILLIAMSON

SPECIAL SECTION: Alternative paths in educational technology research: Innovative concepts and methods

Digital Rights, Digital Citizenship and Digital Literacy: What’s the Difference? L. PANGRAZIO, J. SEFTON-GREEN

Performativity of Materials in Learning: The Learning-Whole in Action L. CARVALHO, P. YEOMAN

Underdetermination, Assemblage Studies and Educational Technology: Rethinking Causality and Re-Energising Politics C. PERROTTA

There Is No ‘Virtual Learning’: The Materiality of Digital Education L. GOURLAY

The Topologies of Data Practices: A Methodological Introduction M. DECUYPERE


Differential Impact of School Segregation in the Performance of Native and Non-Native Students in Spain F. J. MURILLO, G. BELAVI

Design and Validation of an Assessment Tool for Educational Mobile Applications Used with Autistic Learners M. SANROMÀ-GIMÉNEZ, J. L. LÁZARO-CANTABRANA, M. USART RODRÍGUEZ, M. GISBERT-CERVERA

Online Learning: From the Curriculum for All to the Curriculum for Each Individual J. VIANA, H. PERALTA

The Teacher-Student Relationship in the Use of Social Network Sites for Educational Purposes: A Systematic Review L. CAMAS GARRIDO, A. VALERO MOYA, M. VENDRELL MORANCHO

Measurement Invariance of the Sensitive Assessment for Gender Equality (SAGE) Index Across Degree: Findings from two Teacher Education Programmes in Spain C. MIRALLES CARDONA, E. CHINER, M. C. CARDONA-MOLTÓ

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