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The digital transformation of higher education: so much more than a transition

Por António Moreira Teixeira [i] 1 y José Mota [ii] 2

1 Universidade Aberta y CFUL – Universidade de Lisboa

2 Laboratório de Educação a Distância e eLearning – UAb

Palabras clave: RED, Digital Transformation, Higher Education, Open Education, Online Learning, Distance Learning, MOOC, COVID-19


On January, 2021, Revista Educación a Distancia (RED) published a special issue (Vol. 21 Núm. 65) dedicated to the transition from conventional education to online education and learning, as a consequence of COVID19. The issue includes a selection of close to one and a half dozen articles from eight different countries depicting an array of innovative experiencies. This unique decison reflects the massive and unparallel impact which the coronavirus pandemic has had in the education sector and higher education in particular in such a short period.

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Call for papers: ¿Puede la inteligencia artificial transformar la educación superior?

Call for papers: ¿Puede la inteligencia artificial transformar la educación superior?

International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education tiene abierto un call for papers, hasta el 5 de agosto, con el tema: “Can artificial intelligence transform higher education?”

La información detallada de la convocatoria se encuentra accesible en: